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Dynamical cluster formation and correlations in heavy-ion collisions, within transport models and in experiments

Dynamical cluster formation and correlations in heavy-­‐ion collisions, within transport models and in experiments

May 17-19, 2016, GANIL, Caen, France



FUSTIPEN Topical Meeting


«Dynamical cluster formation and correlations in heavy-ion collisions, within transport models and in experiments»


May 17-19, 2016, GANIL, Caen, France


First circular   

Cluster formation is of interest not only in the areas of heavy-ion collisions and nuclear structure, but also in nuclear astrophysics (such as in the context of core-collapse supernovae and neutrino emission and absorption processes). This FUSTIPEN Topical Meeting will allow a wide discussion of theoretical transport models aimed at studying observables measured in nuclear reactions at intermediate energies.  One recipe for production of light clusters (A=2-3) at the early dynamical stage of heavy-ion collisions is that contained in the BUU code of Danielewicz.  The particular feature of the transport model is highly relevant for extracting information about the equation of state (EOS) and the density dependence of the symmetry energy. During the meeting, comparisons to other model approaches are going to be discussed such as antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD), quatum molecular dynamics (QMD) and models based on mean field approches (RMF, SMF, BLOB) or quatum statistical approach (QS). These comparisons will allow to establish a strategy to study experimental data that will be soon available as a result of the INDRA-FAZIA campaign at the GANIL Laboratory.  Special attention will be dedicated to the particle-particle correlations as a unique tool to learn on the space-time extent of emitting sources, nature of nuclear multi-nucleon decays and on resonant states of light nuclei.  Connections to nuclear astrophysics and, in particular, to dynamics of supernova explosions and neutron star observables, will also be discussed and a subject of dedicated presentations.  These and related topics will be debated during this  workshop

Besides the series of the daily, relatively short, focused talks, there will be adequate Q&A time after the talks and during a daily discussion session.   We would like to keep the format of the meeting relatively informal and we invite those participants who believe they can contribute to the discussions to contact us at

At present the list of speakers includes:

E. Bonnet (GANIL), A. Chbihi (GANIL),  S. Courtin (Strasbourg), P. Danielewicz (Michigan State University), D. Durand (LPC-Caen), D. Fabris(INFN- Sez. Padova), A. Fantina (GANIL), L. Francalanza (INFN-Napoli), L. Heilborn (TAMU), S. Hudan (Blumington Uni), E. Khan (IPN, Orsay), P. Marini (CNBG), P. Napolitani (IPN-Orsay),  J. Natowitz (TAMU), T.Neff* (GSI), L. Quattrocchi (Messina Uni), G. Verde (IPN-Orsay),  

*) to be confirmed


The list of speakers is still open and will be updated in the second circular.  A solidified program of the meeting will be announced in the Second Circular, issued around April 22.


To register for the meeting, please fill in the registration form. We are asking even those holding a GANIL badge to register so that an accurate count may be obtained for the coffee breaks.

There is no registration fee.  The U.S. scientists can apply for a FUSTIPEN award to participate in this program. A French FUSTIPEN grant can provide local support for the French-based physicists interested in the topics of this meeting.

The information on how to reach GANIL can be obtained at the address:

If you have any question concerning your arrival and stay in Caen, or your participation in the meeting, please do not hesitate to contact us at


More information can be found in:



Pawel Danielewicz (Michigan State University)

Abdelouahad Chbihi (GANIL)



Program of the Topical Meeting


«Dynamical cluster formation and correlations in heavy-ion collisions, within transport models and in experiments»



 Tuesday, May 17, 2016


9:15                         Registration

9:30                         Welcome

                               Chairman: Abdelouahad Chbihi, GANIL

9:35 – 10:20           Hermann Wolter (University of Munich)

Fragment and cluster formation in heavy ion collisions


 10:20 – 10:50        Coffee break


10:50 – 11:35        Elias Khan (IPN Orsay)

Cluster structure in stable and unstable nuclei


11:35 – 12:05       Paola Marini (CENBG Bordeaux)

Searching for signals of Bose condensation in the decay of hot nuclear systems


12:05 – 12:50        Anthea Fantina (GANIL)

Composition and clusters in the neutron-star crust


12:50 – 14:30        Lunch


                             Chairman: Hermann Wolter, University of Munich

14:30 – 15:15        Pawel Danielewicz (Michigan State University)

Cluster production in Boltzmann Equation Model - past and future


15:15 – 16:00        Eric Bonnet (GANIL)

Cluster production  in vaporization events


16:00 – 16:30        Coffee break


16:30 – 17:15        Luca Morelli (INFN Bologna)

Clustering effects in reactions with light even-even N=Z nuclei:

From the Hoyle state to cluster emission in 24Mg


17:15 – 18:30        General discussion



 Wednesday, May 18, 2016


                               Chairman: Pawel Danielewicz, Michigan State University

9:30 – 10:15          Joseph Natowitz (Texas A&M University)

Low density matter


10:15 – 11:00       Paolo Napolitani (IPN Orsay)

 Mean-field instabilities and cluster formation in nuclear reactions


11:00 – 11:30       Coffee break


11:30 – 12:00        Sandrine Courtin (IPHC Strasbourg)

Probing cluster resonances via heavy-ion fusion reactions at sub-barrier energies in the 12C+12C and 12C+16O systems


12:00 – 14:00         Lunch


                              Chairman : Giuseppe Verde, IPN Orsay & INFN Catania

14:00 – 14:45        Sylvie Hudan (Indiana University)

Does the α cluster structure in light nuclei persist through the  fusion



14:45 – 15:30        Dominique Durand (LPC Caen)

A study of central collisions at intermediate energies with the ELIE

event generator


15:30– 16:00         Laura Francalanza (INFN – Sezione di Napoli)

In medium fragment breakup of projectile in 36Ar+58Ni central



16:00 – 16:30        Coffee break


16:30 – 17:00        Lucia Quattrochi (INFN & Università di Catania)

 Study of two and multi particles correlations in 12 C+24Mg collisions at

 35 AMeV


17:00 – 18:00        General discussion


20:00                     Conference dinner


 Thursday, May 19, 2016


                               Chairwoman: Sylvie Hudan, Indiana University

9:00 – 9:45            Giuseppe Verde (IPN Orsay & INFN Catania)

Correlation and clustering analyses in heavy-ion collision data


9:45 – 10:15          Daniela Fabris (INFN Sezione di Padova)

Pre-equilibrium particles emission to study clustering in nuclei


10:15 – 10:45       Coffee break


10:45 – 11:30       Rémi Bougault (LPC Caen)

  Light cluster production in Xe+Sn 32 A.MeV


11:30 – 12:15       General discussion


12:15 – 14:00        Lunch


End of the Workshop