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Dynamical description of low energy nuclear reactions

January 12, 2012, GANIL, France
« Dynamical description of low energy nuclear reactions »
Thursday 12th, January 2012
GANIL, Caen, France


The SPIRAL2 facility will provide radioactive beams around or below the Coulomb barrier. At these energies quantum aspects associated to nuclear structure and dynamical effects are important to properly describe reaction mechanism.

In the present meeting, challenges in the description of low energy nuclear reaction including fusion, transfer and deep inelastic collisions will be discussed. Even today, a consistent approach that properly incorporates quantum effects, dynamical processes as well as dissipative aspects remains a major problem. Recent progress made in the microscopic transport theories, as well as experimental interests will be discussed.

Denis Lacroix (GANIL)
Marek Ploszajczak (GANIL)