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Low-energy nuclear collective modes and excitations

May 24-25, 2012, GANIL, Caen, France
FUSTIPEN Topical Meeting

«Low-energy nuclear collective modes and excitations»

May 24-25, 2012, GANIL, Caen, France

This meeting will review the present status of studies of the low-energy collective motion in complex nuclei. In spite of great advances of nuclear science there are still many unresolved and intriguing questions concerning collective excitations, such as:

- what happens in loosely bound and marginally stable nuclei?
- what is the origin of clustering?
- what is the physics of pygmy resonances?
- can we (and should we) go beyond the random phase approximation in the description of collective vibrations?
- what is the right way of calculating the moment of inertia and its evolution?
- why the deformed nuclei prefer to have prolate deformation?
- why random interactions reveal the properties of collective excitations?
And this list goes on and on.

We will discuss these issues in a topical two-day meeting, with an emphasis on possible links between experiment and theory, keeping the format informal.


More information can be found in :


Denis Lacroix (GANIL)

Marekl Poszajczak (GANIL)

Vladimir G. Zelevinsky (Michigan State University)