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Fission-fragments in low-energy fission: a gauge for macroscopic and microscopic influences

October 21-22, 2015, GANIL, Caen, France



FUSTIPEN Topical Meeting

«Fission-fragments in low-energy fission: a gauge for macroscopic and microscopic influences »

October 21-22, 2015, GANIL, Caen, France

In the last 20 years, great progress in measuring a wide range of fission properties, and correlations between them, has been brought about by new experimental techniques, in part based on the inverse kinematics, which has inspired to improved theoretical insights.  Over a large number of fissioning nuclei, systematic, precise information on the proton and neutron fragment distributions and on even-odd proton-number staggering has shed light on the impact of nuclear properties in the formation of fission fragments. The fission-fragment distributions  result of a delicate interplay between the evolution of the nuclear macroscopic potential energy and the independent macroscopic and microscopic properties of the emerging fragments.  The workshop will cover recent breakthroughs in the theoretical and experimental domains, key insights achieved and remaining problems to be investigated.


The goal of the FUSTIPEN topical meeting on “Fission-fragments in low-energy fission: a gauge for macroscopic and microscopic influences” is to bring together a diversity of researchers, both theorists and experimentalists, to discuss some of the recent advances on the fission process and in particular the fission fragment description, the potential energy landscape and dynamics. Key themes of the workshop will include scission description, influence of excitation energy and fission cycling in astrophysics. The workshop will include talks on recent theoretical developments in the field and on related experimental studies.


More information can be found in:



Fanny Farget (GANIL)

Peter Moller (LANL)