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Series of lectures challenges in nuclear astrophysics

July 4-5, 2013, GANIL, Caen, France

Series of lectures on challenges in nuclear astrophysics
by Carlos Bertulani from Texas A&M University
July 4-5, 2013, GANIL, Caen, France

Eighty years of nuclear science has allowed us to infer the origin of the chemical elements out of which our bodies and the Earth are made. We now believe that the lightest elements were created in nuclear reactions in the first three minutes after the big bang, and all the rest were made in nuclear reactions inside the stars and distributed throughout interstellar space via stellar winds and giant stellar explosions.

In these series of four lectures, Professor C. Bertulani will show how a new generation of theoretical developments and experiments can shed light on the complex nuclear processes that control the evolution of stars and stellar explosions.

Lectures will be held at FUSTIPEN on July 4-5, 2013 in room 105 of the GANIL main building. Each lecture begins at 14:00.

Lectures: Part-1, Part-2, Part-3, Part-4