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US awards

FUSTIPEN Policies (U.S. participants)

Updated October 2011

The purpose of FUSTIPEN is to deliver an international venue for research on the physics of nuclei during an era of experimental investigations on rare isotopes. The FUSTIPEN program is intended to primarily fund travel grants for research scientists, post-doctoral fellows, and students whose current primary institutional affiliation is with a U.S. university, national laboratory, or other research center. The visits include, and are not limited to, visits to pursue existing joint projects, exploratory visits to assess opportunities for future collaborations, FUSTIPEN events (discussion workshops) devoted to specific research topics, and joint educational initiatives. The FUSTIPEN board of directors has set forth several policies in order to facilitate FUSTIPEN's purpose.

1. U.S. scientists seeking to visit FUSTIPEN should fill out the Web application form and ask their France-based collaborator to send the corresponding information. Applications will be reviewed by the Governing Board and decisions on acceptance will be made in a timely manner. To facilitate planning, application should be made early.

2. The typical stay supported by FUSTIPEN is of a 2-3 weeks duration.  For longer visits, additional funding from other sources should be documented in the application. It is only in exceptional cases of extraordinary importance to the mission of FUSTIPEN that the board may consider applications for longer stays, if other funding is not available.

3. The FUSTIPEN grant will cover round-trip travel on U.S. carriers (coach fares) from the U.S. to France, and train travel from the Charles de Gaulle airport to the destination city.

4. The U.S. grant will pay for hotel or other housing at the destination at a maximum rate of $91.00/day. If the flight schedule requires it,the grant will also pay for a single night at a hotel close to the airport at the lowest available rate. A flat per diem of $60.00/day will be paid to all travelers. If the maximum rates are exceeded, the excess should be covered by the awardee's home institution.

5. Participants are expected to spend a significant amount of their collaboration time at the FUSTIPEN site at GANIL (Caen). Note that travel funds for French participants to meet at GANIL can be available (see Item 9).

6. Awardees are urged to make their lodging reservations in Caen as soon as possible after notification of the travel grant. Please note that the GANIL administration requires 7 working days to process permissions for guest access. FUSTIPEN visitors should fill the visitor form in the Practical Information page.

7. Awardees should contact Anne Gladman (U.S. Program/Resource specialist) concerning reimbursements and required receipts. Please note that all international travel has to be approved before making the trip. Travelers are responsible for their own travel arrangements.

8. Awardees are expected to write a 1 page exit report describing their
work in France. This information will help us track FUSTIPEN's success.
The report should be sent to Robert Janssens ( with a copy to Anne Gladman (

9. While FUSTIPEN cannot fund workshop travel, it can entertain proposals for funding FUSTIPEN events on site at FUSTIPEN relevant to the physics of exotic nuclei. Proposals can be made by an E-mail message jointly signed by two spokepeople, one US-based and one French-based. Contact Janssens or Ploszajczak for instructions on what to include in the proposal.

10. GANIL will supply funding for France-based collaborators to visit GANIL when their American colleagues are present.

11. FUSTIPEN support should be acknowledged in publications resulting from visits to or work at FUSTIPEN. Recommended phrasing: "This work was supported partially through FUSTIPEN (French-U.S. Theory Institute for Physics with Exotic Nuclei) under DOE grant number DE-FG02-10ER41700."

For questions or more information on FUSTIPEN, please contact