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Proton-neutron pairing correlations in the nuclear shell model

June 10, 2014 GANIL, Caen, France



FUSTIPEN Colloquium

«Proton-neutron pairing correlations in the nuclear shell model»

by S. Pittel from the University of Delaware, Newark, USA

June 10, 2014 GANIL, Caen, France

It is generally believed that proton − neutron (pn) pairing is important in nuclei with roughly equal numbers of neutrons and protons. Important insight on pn pairing correlations has been achieved in recent years in the context of exactly solvable models that include the various pairing modes. A recent study carried out for an analogous model that includes non-degenerate orbitals makes possible the inclusion of deformation effects, as is critical for systems with N ~ Z, by treating the non-degenerate orbitals as Nilsson-like. However, it is not possible in such models to fully restore symmetries. As a consequence, there still remain important issues concerning the role of the various pairing modes in N ~ Z nuclei.

In this presentation, Professor Pittel will discuss a systematic study of isovector and isoscalar pairing correlations in N ~ Z nuclei in the context of the nuclear shell model, whereby deformation can be readily included and symmetries exactly preserved. The results will be illustrated by calculations for three N = Z nuclei in the 2p1f shell, 44Ti, 46V and 48Cr, focusing on the role of single-particle effects in dictating how the various pairing modes compete.

Lecture will take place in room 105 of the GANIL main building at 11:00 on June 10, 2014. All interested physicists are most welcome. The French-based physicists interested in the topic can get the local support (

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We hope to see you at GANIL at the occasion of this meeting.
