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Structure of the neutron star crust: experimental and observational signatures

May 26-27, 2014, GANIL, France


FUSTIPEN Topical Meeting
« Structure of the neutron star crust: experimental and observational signatures »
May 26-27, 2014, GANIL, Caen, France

The purpose of this Topical Meeting is to discuss recent developments and accomplishments in the field of the neutron star crust physics and the associated experimental and observational signatures. A special focus will be put on highlighting the remaining open questions and the role that the astrophysics and the nuclear physics communities could play in tackling these challenges. Our goal is to develop common strategies to move the field forward in a manner that continues to foster dialogue and promote collaborations between the two communities.

Contributed talks are welcome. We invite those participants who believe that they can contribute to the discussion to contact us at The format of the meeting will be kept informal, so as to promote as many discussions and interactions among the participants, as possible.

More information can be found in:


Francesca Gulminelli (LPC)

Jorge Piekarewicz (FSU)