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Effective field theories for nuclear structure studies

March 3, 2011, GANIL, Caen, France

FUSTIPEN Topical Meeting

« Effective field theories for nuclear structure studies »

March 3, 2011, GANIL, Caen, France


At the energies characteristic of nuclear structure the theory of strong interactions, QCD, is realized as an effective field theory (EFT) of hadrons. While nuclear EFTs are well understood and developed in the context of light nuclei, their formulation for larger systems, whose description provides the basis for most nuclear applications, remains largely incomplete.

This one-day workshop addresses some of the main issues posed by the many-body problem of nuclear structure to EFTs. A crucial issue in EFTs relates to our understanding of the hierarchy of all interactions allowed by the QCD symmetries, using ratios of the relevant momentum scales. The workshop aims to explore the role played by emerging many-body scales such as the Fermi momentum, from the conceptually simpler "ab-initio" approaches to existing formulations of "in medium" EFTs.

More information can be found in :


Thomas Duguet (SPhN Saclay)
Marek Ploszajczak (GANIL)
Bira van Kolck (University of Arizona)