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Future directions for nuclear structure and reaction theories: Ab initio approaches for 2020

March 14-18, 2016,GANIL, Caen, France


FUSTIPEN Topical Meeting


«Future directions for nuclear structure and reaction theories: Ab initio approaches for 2020»


March 14-18, 2016, GANIL, Caen, France


First circular

Progress in microscopic approaches for solving the nuclear many-body problem for nuclear structure and reaction has been rapid in the last ten years with advances in computer software and hardware for solving huge dimensional systems to new theoretical approaches, such as the In-Medium SRG, nuclear structure calculated on a lattice and new developments in Density Functional Theory beyond the Skyrme interaction.

Which of these approaches will thrive and make great progress in our understanding of nuclear structure and reactions and which ones will not stand the test of time and fade away?  And, of more immediate interest, can any of these new techniques incorporate three-nucleon forces in a simple and straightforward manner? These and similar topics will be probed during this  workshop.

Besides a series of relatively short daily talks centered on a theme, there will be adequate Q&A time after talks and during a daily "wrap-up" discussion session. We would like to keep the format of the meeting informal and invite those participants who believe they can contribute to the discussion to contact us at


The information to reach GANIL can be obtained at the address:

If you have any question concerning your arrival and stay in Caen, or your participation in the meeting, please do not hesitate to contact us at


More information can be found in:

Bruce R. Barrett (University of Arizona)

Marek Ploszajczak (GANIL)